1.   I took steps to assure myself of her guilt.

2.   Analysts had said they expected ValuJet to take extreme steps to assure consumers its planes were safe.

3.   He has traveled to many capitals and has taken steps to assure the smaller members that their concerns are important and being addressed.

4.   Hyman said he is taking steps to assure that the riskiest of the human experiments are scrutinized more closely.

5.   In fact, since his confirmation by the Senate last month, Daley has taken steps to assure Congress that he would separate politics and trade issues.

6.   Senator Clinton should take steps to assure that no future scandal muffles her strong voice for social change.

7.   Several lawsuits have recently been filed in California over the issue, and two other states have taken legal steps to assure women equal access to courses.

8.   Since his confirmation by the Senate last month, Daley has taken steps to assure Congress that he would separate politics and trade issues.

9.   Some hospitals have taken creative steps to assure that reproductive health services remain available -- sometimes setting up a separate corporate entity to handle them.

10.   So did Grier, a normally quiet man who apparently was overwhelmed by the possibility of facing unemployment himself and unknowingly took steps to assure it.

n. + assure >>共 442
rest 14.02%
official 8.88%
government 5.15%
leader 3.32%
doctor 2.49%
authority 2.32%
company 1.91%
police 1.24%
victory 1.16%
step 1.08%
step + v. >>共 801
be 31.70%
improve 2.27%
protect 2.05%
include 1.86%
prevent 1.81%
ensure 1.80%
make 1.70%
reduce 1.42%
help 1.23%
forward 1.02%
assure 0.19%
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