1.   Initial improvement followed stent insertion and no relapse occurred after stent removal.

2.   A further five underwent percutaneous stent insertion in order to achieve biliary decompression.

3.   After five days, an ERCP elsewhere showed bile leakage from the cystic duct stump and a small endoscopic sphincterotomy was performed, followed by stent insertion.

4.   Six of seven patients with a stricture, had successful stent insertion.

5.   But a persistent problem has been that in many cases, stent insertion causes scarring and renewed blockage.

6.   One method involves the use of intracoronary radiation at the time of stent insertion.

n. + insertion >>共 18
stent 21.43%
pacemaker 10.71%
endoprosthesis 7.14%
helicopter 7.14%
tear-gas 7.14%
catheter 3.57%
endoscope 3.57%
gene 3.57%
line 3.57%
membrane 3.57%
stent + n. >>共 24
insertion 11.11%
placement 11.11%
procedure 9.26%
business 7.41%
maker 7.41%
market 5.56%
removal 5.56%
technology 5.56%
exchanger 3.70%
implant 3.70%
每页显示:    共 6