1.   After that I could never see the point of toiling up a steep incline in preference to riding comfortably on a ski-lift!

2.   They continued on, up the steep incline and into the castle.

3.   He came to a halt at the edge of a steep incline.

4.   Although her descent down the steep incline took several minutes, the queue at the foot remained motionless.

5.   Along the way, Granny D endured dust storms in the Mojave Desert, rain and snow on the Great Plains and steep inclines in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

6.   A massive Warn winch hangs off the front bumper for crawling up steep inclines and tearing out pesky arbor vitae.

7.   All the steep inclines and plummets.

8.   But Muehlegg never relented on the gas pedal, taking powerful, sweeping strokes up the steep inclines and building his lead with every kilometer.

9.   Dancers slide down a very steep incline formed by the tipping floor of a truck.

a. + incline >>共 29
steep 43.42%
slight 10.53%
steepest 3.95%
barren 2.63%
big 2.63%
first 2.63%
grassy 2.63%
precipitous 2.63%
sharp 2.63%
breakneck 1.32%
steep + n. >>共 360
decline 9.43%
price 5.90%
slope 5.06%
drop 4.99%
hill 4.83%
discount 3.46%
loss 3.36%
fall 3.03%
increase 2.97%
mountain 2.94%
incline 1.08%
每页显示:    共 33