1.   But their innocence was soon stolen by Dale Campbell, a dorm worker.

2.   Every one is angry about how innocence was stolen at Columbine High.

3.   This was about ruining lives, splintering souls, stealing innocence, and smashing trust to smithereens.

4.   TV news steals innocence every night.

v. + innocence >>共 106
maintain 35.16%
proclaim 13.89%
prove 10.89%
protest 10.83%
declare 5.02%
claim 3.33%
profess 3.20%
assert 2.28%
plead 2.28%
lose 1.89%
steal 0.26%
steal + n. >>共 946
car 7.26%
show 5.01%
money 4.35%
base 4.05%
ball 2.68%
secret 1.56%
vehicle 1.53%
election 1.44%
weapon 1.42%
food 1.33%
innocence 0.07%
每页显示:    共 4