1.   Here there is a steady decrease of the modulus from as the temperature increases.

2.   Yet, the U.S. Department of Labor saw a steady decrease in worker complaints filed during this decade.

3.   The improved figures were due to higher electricity output and a more steady decrease in manufacturing output.

4.   The surplus had been recording steady annual decreases, mostly on the back of a much stronger yen which had made imports more affordable.

5.   She shows a large, tattered and dog-eared sheet of salary and bonus records showing a steady decrease in her remuneration and benefits.

a. + decrease >>共 139
significant 7.23%
sharp 6.99%
slight 5.83%
dramatic 5.36%
marked 5.13%
largest 3.73%
further 3.26%
gradual 3.26%
first 2.80%
substantial 1.63%
steady 1.17%
steady + n. >>共 818
stream 12.62%
growth 5.92%
rain 4.28%
flow 3.52%
decline 2.68%
increase 2.42%
diet 2.36%
supply 2.12%
job 1.94%
progress 1.88%
decrease 0.09%
每页显示:    共 5