1.   The station repeatedly aired a commercial for the tape.

2.   And, CBS cannot promote its programs and local stations cannot air commercials.

3.   Around this time, a San Francisco public TV station aired a show that featured local newspaper reporters talking about current events.

4.   A WHAS producer, Kimberly Neuman, said Saturday that the station never aired a report on the matter because a reporter concluded the charges were groundless.

5.   All Japanese television stations aired the raid live from Lima, and newspapers put out extra editions.

6.   From Quebec, an English-language radio station aired a morning drive-time satire that contradicted any notion of unity there.

7.   Fox has no network news program, though Fox stations air their own news shows.

8.   In Atlanta, three stations are already airing some HDTV content.

9.   In addition, the FCC gave the broadcast networks new digital spectrum, which allows TV stations to air sharper pictures.

10.   In between, the station aired various promotional tapes that television stations around the country have made so they can demonstrate HDTV to their viewers.

n. + air >>共 217
station 9.85%
television 9.47%
show 9.22%
network 6.19%
ad 4.29%
episode 3.54%
program 3.03%
report 1.64%
series 1.52%
commercial 1.39%
station + v. >>共 691
be 14.08%
say 8.90%
report 7.99%
have 4.78%
broadcast 4.51%
play 1.82%
show 1.76%
air 1.52%
begin 1.27%
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