1.   These various statements amounted to straws in the wind rather than a fully defined policy for ending the war.

2.   An oral statement may amount to the use of a trade description.

3.   Even though these statements amounted to dicta, lower courts interpreted them as forbidding protection for color alone.

4.   For some sailors, such statements will amount to heresy.

5.   That statement amounts to a filibuster for Aleaga.

6.   The Supreme Court has held that intentionally misleading statements do not amount to perjury.

7.   The statement amounted to a demonstration of firmness and impatience after several years of inconclusive discussion.

8.   Their statement amounted to a spirited defense of the concept of the independence of the judiciary.

9.   They complained bitterly that Republicans were accusing Clinton of perjury without specifying exactly which statements amounted to perjury.

n. + amount >>共 512
action 2.31%
move 2.11%
statement 1.63%
change 1.63%
plan 1.44%
loss 1.34%
agreement 1.25%
decision 1.06%
law 1.06%
deal 1.06%
statement + v. >>共 289
say 46.35%
be 10.21%
come 3.49%
add 3.10%
give 2.26%
make 1.80%
call 1.17%
follow 1.15%
indicate 0.96%
mention 0.89%
amount 0.16%
每页显示:    共 17