1.   Non-Hindus have suffered handicaps, but the state has tried actively to remedy this.

2.   Thirteen states are trying something similar to the medical savings accounts, he said.

3.   The state is trying to disrupt the supply of illegal drugs.

4.   Also, a class action lawsuit by smokers is gathering steam, and four states are trying to recoup from the industry money spent on health care for smokers.

5.   As states have tried to come up with alternative plans, the number of people without insurance has continued to grow.

6.   At least two other states have tried to bar such behavior.

7.   At the same time, the state Legislature tried to toughen teacher requirements for charters, but the bill failed.

8.   At worst, states could try to trick the system by employing inflated educational currency.

9.   Bennett said that some states should try cutting off welfare payments for unmarried teen-age mothers.

10.   Because costs per person easily can exceed that amount, the state is trying to negotiate discounts with pharmaceutical companies.

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state + v. >>共 907
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