1.   Brazilian stocks rose as investors bought shares in telephone and utility stocks that are likely to rise when the state sell their shares in those companies.

2.   A federal order requiring neighboring states to sell power to California will expire next week.

3.   After the holidays, this would require the states to sell a like number of cookies to pay for the landfills needed to stash the crumpled wrapping paper.

4.   After their merger, scheduled for later this year, the states will sell part of their stake to the public.

5.   Brazilian stocks rose as investors bought shares of telephone and utility stocks that are likely to rise when the state sells its stakes in them.

6.   China recently said it will permit its main soybean-producing state to sell soybeans to other provinces, which would decrease the need for international supplies.

7.   Farmers sell their produce to the government at a fixed price, and the state then sells it on the world market for about three times that price.

8.   He asks that the state sell the houses or knock them down.

9.   His state already has sold some agricultural products to Cuba under a tightly controlled trickle of trade permitted between the countries beginning last year.

10.   Investors expect the utility be among the first assets Sao Paulo state will sell.

n. + sell >>共 1471
company 14.36%
investor 8.43%
government 3.29%
store 2.78%
bank 2.23%
trader 1.82%
shop 1.57%
vendor 1.30%
firm 1.28%
book 1.12%
state 0.65%
state + v. >>共 907
be 9.69%
have 9.60%
say 1.67%
take 1.44%
make 1.26%
do 1.21%
use 1.19%
require 1.14%
pay 1.02%
pass 0.98%
sell 0.29%
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