1.   President Clinton signed a law last year that requires states to make information on sexually violent criminals available to the public.

2.   At Yalta, the two states also made progress in other aspects of their bilateral relations, building on their June negotiations in Dagomys.

3.   This was the only occasion that the state made such a count.

4.   The Arab states have made it clear to Mr Christopher that the mass deportation remains a problem.

5.   Although hanging once was so widely accepted that many states made it a public event, it has all but disappeared today.

6.   Although individual companies have such a provision, no state has ever made it law, covering all publicly traded companies incorporated there.

7.   And if wagering is by definition unsavory, how is it that virtually every state makes millions through lotteries, and many allow Indian-run casinos to thrive?

8.   And many began giving large amounts only when the state was making decisions important to their bottom lines.

9.   And they would say that no one can receive federal welfare help for more than five years, while allowing states to make the period even shorter.

n. + make >>共 1472
company 3.80%
government 1.92%
official 1.37%
team 1.20%
people 1.13%
police 0.87%
player 0.78%
law 0.72%
rate 0.69%
president 0.68%
state 0.38%
state + v. >>共 907
be 9.69%
have 9.60%
say 1.67%
take 1.44%
make 1.26%
do 1.21%
use 1.19%
require 1.14%
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