1.   More specifically, Weber envisaged state bureaucrats as of key importance in creating this autonomy.

2.   However, such campaigns provide a measure of participation and control of party and state bureaucrats, a movement which reached its peak during the Cultural Revolution.

3.   The numbers of state bureaucrats and managerial staff in industry and agriculture were reduced because these institutions appeared to be developing as centres of opposition to the party.

4.   But as more families drop out, state bureaucrats still seem to be waiting for each other to come up with a solution.

5.   For several years I cherished visions of a miraculous reversal of events in which I, orating like a teen-age Clarence Darrow, defeated the evil state bureaucrats.

6.   He is angered by the thought that state bureaucrats can decide his fate by virtue of eminent domain.

7.   It was more good news for state bureaucrats and the would-be president in their command posts and for thousands of students and teachers on the front lines.

8.   Joshi said the confidential report was not binding on the state government cabinet, which he said would consider its recommendations in consultation with lawyers and other state bureaucrats.

9.   Lawyers spent the better part of six hours on Thursday quizzing two state bureaucrats about the intricacies of the state procurement code.

10.   Meanwhile, Conover and DOCS officials, who are portrayed in the book as remote, disconnected state bureaucrats, continue to engage in a battle of wills.

a. + bureaucrat >>共 298
former 7.09%
senior 6.82%
top 5.56%
japanese 4.31%
federal 4.17%
powerful 2.50%
state 2.23%
corrupt 1.81%
communist 1.81%
local 1.53%
state + n. >>共 633
official 6.11%
law 4.95%
government 3.70%
television 3.31%
radio 2.82%
court 2.51%
police 2.07%
visit 1.93%
legislature 1.68%
agency 1.48%
bureaucrat 0.03%
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