1.   A cut would have made it even more expensive for the state to borrow.

2.   But, under federal law, states may borrow money from a federal account to ensure that no one entitled to unemployment benefits is denied a check.

3.   Independent analysts say the problem has actually worsened under Pataki, because the state borrows for more of its capital needs than ever before.

4.   The compromise reportedly would allow the state to borrow money from the toll bridge account for regular highway use, as long as its repayment is guaranteed.

5.   The Legislature routinely approves bills authorizing the state to borrow money, but the state actually borrows only a fraction of the amount authorized.

6.   There is an audacity to the way New York state borrows money that can make even critics sound almost admiring.

7.   To help states facing severe economic conditions, the GOP bill would have a reserve fund from which states could borrow.

8.   Under the plan, the state would borrow money through a bond sale to help cover a deficit in the pension system.

9.   When state funds run dry, states borrow from a federal unemployment account, but such loans must be repaid with interest.

10.   While states often borrow to build roads, hospitals or government buildings, they must generally keep their spending in line with their income.

n. + borrow >>共 287
company 24.43%
bank 7.39%
investor 7.22%
government 5.71%
business 2.94%
consumer 2.85%
trader 2.27%
people 2.18%
seller 1.60%
firm 1.51%
state 1.01%
state + v. >>共 907
be 9.69%
have 9.60%
say 1.67%
take 1.44%
make 1.26%
do 1.21%
use 1.19%
require 1.14%
pay 1.02%
pass 0.98%
borrow 0.06%
每页显示:    共 12