1.   Starters included Corn chowder, potato skins with dips, Nachos and other familiar Stateside items.

2.   Best starters include mozzarella with juicy summer tomatoes and basil, and roasted red peppers with balsamic vinegar.

3.   Six returning defensive starters include linebacker Michael Rogers, safety Sam Shade and cornerback Tommy Johnson.

4.   Starters include lobster and salmon ravioli with fresh dill and shellfish or lobster veloute with Cognac and fresh dill.

5.   Starters include wild mushroom quesadilla or crab cakes with ginger garlic sauce.

6.   Starters might include fried green tomatoes with black-eyed pea salad or crab cakes.

7.   The four returning starters include the underrated guard Katrina Price and center Christie Smith.

8.   The returning Cavalier starters include quarterback Mike Groh and cornerback Ronde Barber.

9.   Latin American starters include Herman Buenahora, Alvaro Lozano and Jose Jaime Gonzales of Colombia and Venezuelan Omar Pumar.

n. + include >>共 1161
package 1.87%
group 1.67%
list 1.51%
plan 1.49%
measure 1.18%
figure 1.13%
speaker 1.10%
symptom 1.06%
coverage 0.91%
dead 0.87%
starter 0.03%
starter + v. >>共 199
be 25.76%
have 7.47%
return 4.76%
score 4.00%
play 3.14%
go 2.71%
get 2.49%
pitch 2.38%
allow 1.73%
make 1.62%
include 1.62%
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