1.   I have made enquiries about air fares and as Auckland is considerably easier and cheaper than Christchurch, I would like to start the tour from Auckland.

2.   But if you were a visitor, you would start your tour here.

3.   --- We started a tour of Old Town at the Albuquerque Museum with docent Arnold Ronnebeck, a retiree from Chicago.

4.   A good place to start any tour of Jackson Hole is as high up as possible.

5.   A good way to start your tour of the Centro is an early breakfast at a traditional spot, Cafe Tacuba on Tacuba Street several blocks off the Zocalo.

6.   A slow walk around the Circulo Militar, the Louvre spinoff, is a good place to start a tour of the Plaza San Martin.

7.   Chopra said he started leading tours to places like Egypt, Bali and India about six years ago.

8.   Gore started his tour with a cheese-steak sandwich with the building workers, followed shortly afterwards by pizza.

9.   He started his tour late Saturday because of a long briefing from Lake in the morning.

10.   I started my tour at the Jaber Social Center in Nabatiyeh, the biggest Shiite town in South Lebanon.

v. + tour >>共 345
offer 6.22%
begin 5.82%
take 5.42%
give 4.66%
lead 4.22%
cancel 3.87%
conduct 3.03%
end 2.55%
continue 2.47%
start 2.43%
start + n. >>共 911
game 5.00%
fire 4.25%
work 3.52%
talk 3.01%
business 2.41%
negotiation 1.85%
career 1.82%
season 1.74%
program 1.52%
process 1.29%
tour 0.40%
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