1.   I warmly welcome the Decision of the Northern Ireland political leaders to start their talks again.

2.   Mr Patten did not respond except to say he was concerned about the future well being of the territory and he was ready to start talks at any time.

3.   Mrs Thatcher gives Mr Gorbachev the warmest of welcomes as they start their talks at Number Ten.

4.   And he wants to start talks on preventing differences in environmental and labor standards from distorting trade.

5.   Anyone who can start a talk with a heartfelt apology for his industry and finish with a rousing, believable endorsement needs to be baseball commissioner.

6.   As efforts to start talks with China went nowhere, Lee in August appealed to companies to slow their investment plans in China.

7.   Assad told Albright on Tuesday that he was prepared to respond favorably to the letter and start talks where they had left off.

8.   A former president, Fidel Ramos, started the talk on Tuesday when he said a coup was possible, if not likely.

9.   Aetna said it had started talks with other, unnamed possible buyers while continuing negotiations that it began two weeks ago with ING.

10.   After meeting with Russian President Boris Yeltsin the following week, Milosevic said he would start the talks but he did not agree to withdraw his forces.

v. + talk >>共 397
hold 28.76%
resume 7.42%
begin 4.30%
have 3.89%
open 2.62%
suspend 2.28%
continue 2.04%
start 2.00%
attend 1.82%
follow 1.55%
start + n. >>共 911
game 5.00%
fire 4.25%
work 3.52%
talk 3.01%
business 2.41%
negotiation 1.85%
career 1.82%
season 1.74%
program 1.52%
process 1.29%
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