1.   Astronomers have observed many systems in which two stars orbit around each other, attracted toward each other by gravity.

2.   And it is not inconceivable, astronomers say, that somewhere between the Jupiter-class planet and its star orbits an Earthlike planet.

3.   The scope turned toward a double star, two stars orbiting so closely to each other that they appear almost as one.

4.   It basically shows that the earlier studies were right in key assumptions about how such stars were orbiting.

5.   These clusters contain many spiral galaxies in which stars are orbiting a central core in an orderly pinwheel formation.

n. + orbit >>共 30
planet 28.17%
satellite 12.68%
object 7.04%
star 7.04%
spacecraft 5.63%
shuttle 4.23%
capsule 2.82%
asteroid 1.41%
billion 1.41%
craft 1.41%
star + v. >>共 760
be 22.70%
have 4.27%
say 2.53%
make 1.90%
come 1.87%
play 1.53%
get 1.50%
go 1.40%
shine 1.26%
turn 1.13%
orbit 0.13%
每页显示:    共 5