1.   Prior to Lavoisier, the phlogiston theory was the standard theory of combustion.

2.   Standard economic theory would dismiss the effort as naive and counterproductive.

3.   In standard economic theory it is argued that regulation is required if market failures occur.

4.   And this has astronomers worrying more than ever that there may be something wrong with elements of their standard theory of cosmic evolution.

5.   Above all, behaviorists contend, standard theory fails to recognize that people take shortcuts in thinking, in effect bypassing rational analysis.

6.   According to standard Freudian theory, fathers are supposed to be important to their daughters simply because they are not mothers.

7.   But for all his caution, standard theory is no longer the same in his eyes.

8.   He is the first winner to openly embrace behavioral economics, which attempts to incorporate psychology into standard economic theory.

9.   He is the first winner to openly embrace behavioral economics, which tries to incorporate psychology into standard economic theory.

10.   His thesis is that there is an impact, one broader and more complicated than standard theory has acknowledged.

a. + theory >>共 732
economic 5.96%
new 4.51%
legal 2.45%
different 2.09%
political 2.09%
scientific 2.09%
popular 1.66%
evolutionary 1.26%
prevailing 1.23%
current 1.23%
standard 0.94%
standard + n. >>共 1744
procedure 4.11%
practice 3.65%
equipment 3.15%
treatment 2.06%
feature 1.74%
fare 1.68%
bearer 1.46%
test 1.14%
form 1.12%
repertory 1.01%
theory 0.41%
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