1.   Brook staff treat each client as an individual and try to help the person to make her or his own decisions and find solutions to particular problems.

2.   Yesterday relatives of Charles Prattley told a coroner they were disgusted by the way he had been treated by staff at Darlington Memorial Hospital.

3.   Yesterday civil service union leaders complained that security staff had initially treated it as a hoax.

4.   But most of the masses behind the front-runners paced themselves, and the medical staff treated an average number of heat problems, blisters and sprains.

5.   But when the message is from their own districts and contains a name and address, congressional staffs treat e-mail the same as paper mail, the survey showed.

6.   Hospital staff treated the condition and gave the nursing home instructions on how to keep the wound clean and dressed.

7.   Many city hospitals keep rape victims waiting for hours while the staff treats stab and gunshot wounds.

8.   One thing the club will look at is how the on-field staff treats players.

9.   Rossi insists that his staff treat everyone with courtesy, so Americans in jeans feel welcome.

10.   He said medical staff were treating villagers for intestinal ailments, caused mainly by a lack of clean drinking water.

n. + treat >>共 651
doctor 8.96%
police 4.12%
people 3.07%
paramedic 2.69%
authority 2.40%
hospital 2.40%
government 2.31%
company 1.98%
official 1.64%
team 1.18%
staff 0.72%
staff + v. >>共 882
be 16.90%
say 5.30%
have 4.19%
work 1.90%
do 1.61%
take 1.50%
make 1.25%
try 1.21%
go 1.08%
leave 0.88%
treat 0.33%
每页显示:    共 17