1.   And many products are sold through one school or another, including candy, mugs, squirt bottles and wrapping paper.

2.   And those in possession of ammonia, urine, feces or squirt bottles can expect intense police scrutiny.

3.   And those in possession of ammonia, urine, feces and squirt bottles can expect intense police scrutiny.

4.   After sufficient caffeine, you might even fill squirt bottles with colored water, go outside and decorate your snow.

5.   Douse flare-ups with a squirt bottle.

6.   Pour Vanilla-Basil Cream into a squirt bottle and squirt a decorative squiggle of cream on top of each bowl of Tomato Kissel.

7.   Some like the standard squirt bottle, while others prefer a pump bottle for strategic placement.

8.   The police found the men carrying squirt bottles and peddling a dangerous mixture of silver paint and kerosene they said was a roof sealer.

9.   Use a squirt bottle, she told me.

10.   Younger kids circled the duel on their bikes or collapsed on the grass to swill neon-hued sports drinks from plastic squirt bottles.

n. + bottle >>共 232
beer 18.82%
soda 6.69%
milk 4.97%
liquor 4.68%
baby 3.82%
perfume 3.34%
spray 3.06%
medicine 2.87%
gas 2.77%
whiskey 2.10%
squirt 0.96%
squirt + n. >>共 4
bottle 76.92%
competition 7.69%
cyanide 7.69%
team 7.69%
每页显示:    共 10