1.   He demanded an apology from Dole, whose campaign he accused of spreading falsehoods about his beliefs.

2.   Quillen would not discuss the specific complaints, other than to deny spreading falsehoods.

3.   The issue has been hard fought, with Hartford County Sheriff Walter Kupchunos last week accusing the reformers of spreading falsehoods and rumors about sheriffs.

4.   The Republicans, like several private corporations that have filed suits, insist that they are merely trying to prevent unions from spreading falsehoods.

5.   Eduardo Facusse, president of the Honduran Private Enterprise Council, accused Charles Kernaghan of spreading falsehoods abroad about mistreatment of workers in assembly plants.

6.   Police in Zimbabwe have arrested another reporter over allegations of spreading falsehoods, the fifth to be picked up in less than two weeks, local newspapers reported Saturday.

a. + falsehood >>共 29
malicious 18.52%
publishing 12.96%
spreading 11.11%
outrageous 5.56%
blatant 3.70%
harmful 3.70%
knowing 3.70%
artful 1.85%
artless 1.85%
brazen 1.85%
spreading + n. >>共 336
propaganda 5.23%
rumor 4.97%
information 3.27%
consistency 3.14%
lie 2.22%
cancer 1.57%
panic 1.44%
fear 1.31%
fire 1.31%
disease 1.31%
falsehood 0.78%
每页显示:    共 6