1.   Authorities believe he was working with al-Qaida terrorists planning to spread nuclear radiation through a conventional bomb attack on a U.S. city, possibly Washington.

2.   Early tests of these giants would spread radiation around the world.

3.   If not dealt with soon, some experts say, the deteriorating rods could spread radiation and possibly catch on fire.

4.   In other news, Rumsfeld was asked about reports that al-Qaida may have made progress in obtaining materials for a weapon to spread deadly radiation.

5.   Officials say they are concerned about so-called dirty bombs, in which a blast from explosives such as dynamite spreads radiation by the wind.

6.   Rain began to fall in the hours after the accident, prompting concerns that it could spread the radiation.

7.   Such a weapon would not produce a nuclear explosion but could spread radiation over a wide area.

8.   Such a device would use conventional explosives to detonate radiological materials, such as spent reactor fuel rods, and spread radiation over a wide area.

9.   Terrorists could spread radiation by attaching conventional explosives to the radioactive material or by assembling a crude nuclear device there.

10.   The explosion spread radiation for thousands of miles and left the lingering impression people there already have been exposed to too much radiation.

v. + radiation >>共 123
release 12.73%
emit 9.61%
use 7.53%
absorb 4.42%
detect 4.16%
spread 3.12%
leak 2.86%
measure 2.86%
spew 2.86%
receive 2.34%
spread + n. >>共 1101
word 6.84%
disease 5.56%
message 3.32%
virus 3.12%
rumor 2.14%
risk 2.10%
mixture 1.94%
wing 1.50%
wealth 1.34%
fear 1.22%
radiation 0.24%
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