1.   Because of its well-endowed female, Aristotle believed the spotted hyena to be a hermaphrodite.

2.   Although spotted hyenas like to hunt alone, they will band together to drive off competitors.

3.   Between hunts, a spotted hyena mother relaxes with her cubs.

4.   A female spotted hyena, usually on the run, takes a rare break.

5.   But perhaps no female has mastered mimicry as well as the spotted hyena.

6.   Packer believes the findings explain why mammals like the spotted hyena are so unusual in nature.

7.   The spotted hyena, which surely deserves the Eve Memorial Medal of Honor for Withstanding Childbirth Hell, offers another striking example of a highly precocial species.

8.   The virus most likely came to the lions through contact with spotted hyenas who raid village dumps.

a. + hyena >>共 15
spotted 33.33%
female 12.50%
deep 4.17%
dusty 4.17%
formidable 4.17%
gender-switching 4.17%
large 4.17%
lead 4.17%
man-eating 4.17%
nasty 4.17%
spotted + n. >>共 96
owl 48.22%
hyena 3.16%
coat 1.98%
deer 1.58%
cat 1.19%
pup 1.19%
wintergreen 1.19%
animal 0.79%
cuckoo 0.79%
cow 0.79%
每页显示:    共 8