1.   Eds, if developments warrant we will have a spot story BUDGET-RDP.

2.   Eds, in addition to this spot story, The Times in considering a number of related stories.

3.   If spot stories develop, the budget will be updated and sent again.

4.   No spot stories are planned.

5.   Others as appropriate, possibly including spot stories form Belgrade and Tirana.

6.   The spot Monday story BUILDINGS will be available as a sidebar or insert material.

7.   The spot story COX-YORKTOWN, which moved Thursday, is remain usable as a sidebar.

8.   Then look for daily spot stories leading up to the draft next weekend.

9.   There are no Cox spot stories for Saturday anticipated at this time.

10.   There are no spot stories in sight at this hour.

a. + story >>共 781
different 8.42%
same 2.79%
good 2.55%
similar 2.29%
whole 2.05%
true 1.90%
old 1.85%
following 1.73%
real 1.64%
big 1.40%
spot 0.12%
spot + n. >>共 322
market 14.38%
kick 9.89%
news 8.42%
inspection 3.21%
fire 2.38%
shortage 2.29%
duty 2.29%
start 1.92%
rate 1.92%
starter 1.74%
story 1.28%
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