1.   Their contributions were not limited to accomplishments in sporting arenas, but also had important social and economic impact.

2.   Immediately, though, he counts off a half dozen places the vending machine could go, including airports, bus stations, and sporting arenas.

3.   In an Arkansas sporting arena, thousands of associates gather annually to wave signs and cheer as executives give folksy speeches.

4.   Never thought I would see the day when Vernon Maxwell would be the spokesman for civility in the sporting arena.

5.   Showing an excellence in the sporting arena and warmth away from it, she is easy to embrace.

6.   Some Canucks expressed concern yesterday that having the law cross the line into the sporting arena sets a potentially dangerous precedent.

7.   Taylor deposed Samuel Kanyon Doe, who had funded soccer because he envisioned it as a vehicle for Liberia to exhibit its best side in the international sporting arena.

8.   The gritty sporting arena was a place where character was tested, and values like loyalty and honesty generally won out.

9.   The industry also will remove cigarette vending machines from any place accessible to children and will take down tobacco advertising in sporting arenas and on public buses and trains.

10.   The Nassau Coliseum is not the only sporting arena in the area that has been found wanting.

a. + arena >>共 501
new 22.85%
political 12.26%
international 5.92%
public 3.05%
downtown 1.62%
same 1.48%
sporting 1.10%
indoor 1.10%
main 0.95%
outdoor 0.95%
sporting + n. >>共 461
event 37.47%
goods 12.79%
world 1.66%
activity 1.36%
arena 0.98%
life 0.89%
director 0.85%
success 0.85%
equipment 0.81%
public 0.76%
每页显示:    共 23