1.   As horrible as the situation is, the sport goes on.

2.   As water sports go, wakeboarding is most similar to traditional trick skiing, which also features aerial maneuvers performed on a boardlike contrivance.

3.   Again, baseball is about to stretch dumbness to a new frontier, where no sport has gone before.

4.   But as sports go, this is the only event where you can actually grow old and do better.

5.   Classes were canceled for the balance of the afternoon, but sports went on, because that was how the school decided Seaman Roy would have wanted it.

6.   For him, sports has gone from an interest to an obsession.

7.   He was toiling for the Kintetsu Buffaloes when the sport went brain dead over here.

8.   I think it says a lot for where our sport can go.

9.   In their very short careers, sports has gone a long way.

10.   Lewis earned tremendous clout when the sport went pro.

n. + go >>共 1293
thing 2.90%
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money 1.59%
team 1.36%
bomb 1.26%
case 1.08%
company 1.07%
game 0.86%
price 0.76%
man 0.72%
sport 0.05%
sport + v. >>共 514
be 31.04%
have 7.16%
become 2.56%
need 2.24%
go 1.48%
make 1.12%
grow 1.08%
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