1.   We report on a case of thrombosis of a splenic artery pseudoaneurysm complicating chronic pancreatitis.

2.   A coeliac and splenic angiography showed a postostial pseudoaneurysm of the splenic artery without active bleeding.

3.   Stable catheterisation of the splenic artery near the ostium was not possible, precluding transcatheter embolisation of the feeding artery.

4.   A coeliac angiography confirmed the thrombosis of the pseudoaneurysm and the permeability of the splenic artery.

5.   Because of its proximity to the pancreas, the splenic artery is the most commonly affected vessel.

6.   Spontaneous regression of small visceral pseudoaneurysms has been reported, including pseudoaneurysms of the splenic artery.

7.   It may be related to the catheterisation of the coeliac trunk and the splenic artery.

8.   Trauma during catheterisation seems unlikely, however, because the splenic artery remained permeable on follow up studies and catheterisation of the pseudoaneurysm was not performed.

a. + artery >>共 173
blocked 14.55%
clogged 12.81%
main 8.73%
major 8.73%
carotid 8.27%
narrowed 2.44%
open 2.21%
key 1.63%
small 1.40%
mammary 1.28%
splenic 1.05%
splenic + n. >>共 8
artery 45.00%
function 20.00%
flexure 10.00%
atrophy 5.00%
hypofunction 5.00%
pulp 5.00%
uptake 5.00%
vein 5.00%
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