1.   Once the necessary control has been acquired, the two beings are fused and reach sublime spiritual joy.

2.   But this documentary, with its essentially rosy emphasis on loving families and spiritual joy, gradually develops a revealing overview.

3.   On the second, singer Houston sounds positively transported, as if the song had taken control of her and washed over her with waves of spiritual joy.

4.   Spiritual joy is profound and lasting.

5.   The laughing, running and leaping are signs of spiritual joy, they say.

a. + joy >>共 253
great 11.46%
sheer 7.22%
pure 6.91%
real 4.87%
greatest 3.45%
simple 2.51%
greater 1.41%
small 1.26%
childlike 1.10%
special 1.10%
spiritual 0.78%
spiritual + n. >>共 855
leader 18.29%
adviser 2.66%
life 2.34%
movement 2.09%
value 1.46%
journey 1.43%
home 1.36%
center 1.21%
experience 1.16%
dimension 1.11%
joy 0.13%
每页显示:    共 5