1.   Few seminaries and hardly any universities are equipped to help students enter into a mystical quest or spiritual journey.

2.   For the rest of this address I will describe its role for me in my spiritual journey.

3.   Hundreds of friends found Hugh Bishop a supportive fellow pilgrim on their own spiritual journeys.

4.   Some would say I was being true to my own spiritual journey.

5.   They turned their pages in perfect harmony and experienced a Decent run through of a difficult text rather than an intense spiritual journey.

6.   The novel is an account of his spiritual journey.

7.   Although the physical path is narrow and serpentine, the spiritual journey of the labyrinth is totally unscripted.

8.   And the final one is a spiritual journey trying to extract meaning from the dark tales playing out inside Angola.

9.   And, were the truth known, most thoughtful Christians live with both on their spiritual journey.

10.   And this is toward the end of her spiritual journey.

a. + journey >>共 596
long 9.96%
return 3.49%
spiritual 3.21%
arduous 2.19%
perilous 1.52%
final 1.46%
sentimental 1.41%
personal 1.41%
short 1.29%
first 1.18%
spiritual + n. >>共 855
leader 18.29%
adviser 2.66%
life 2.34%
movement 2.09%
value 1.46%
journey 1.43%
home 1.36%
center 1.21%
experience 1.16%
dimension 1.11%
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