1.   And their presence at that time had given me almost a spiritual experience of being a father to little people.

2.   For most parents, children are, if not sacred beings, then a source of a kind of spiritual experience.

3.   For the nationalist, the voyage of discovery is a profound spiritual experience.

4.   He returned home and began reading about altered states and spiritual experiences.

5.   Last April, nearly a year ago, I had a most moving spiritual experience.

6.   This was the obedience which remained the foundation of his spiritual experience and of his admonitions to others.

7.   The same can be said about music which provides an immensely satisfying spiritual experience for many people for whom religion is totally dead.

8.   The Old Swan has become home for a Sunday School class, in order to offer customers a spiritual experience of a different kind.

9.   But it is the trip back, this time alone with only the one set of baggage, that is seared into memory, a truly spiritual driving experience.

10.   For each of these women, dance is a pathway, a religious practice and a route to self-expression and spiritual experience.

a. + experience >>共 825
personal 3.28%
learning 2.36%
new 2.12%
previous 1.91%
similar 1.78%
past 1.70%
first 1.42%
extensive 1.40%
recent 1.29%
political 1.29%
spiritual 0.40%
spiritual + n. >>共 855
leader 18.29%
adviser 2.66%
life 2.34%
movement 2.09%
value 1.46%
journey 1.43%
home 1.36%
center 1.21%
experience 1.16%
dimension 1.11%
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