1.   Angry spirits live inside, they say.

2.   But in the arts, the laissez-faire spirit still lives.

3.   But the spirit lives.

4.   Clearly, his zany spirit lives in her.

5.   In the ancient Mediterranean world, people believed evil spirits lived in the desert.

6.   The spirit lives.

7.   Tibetans have carved hard-drives out of stone so the data spirits will live there happily and not clog the wheel of life.

8.   Jean Van de Velde was already off the course, but his spirit lives.

9.   President to generations, deity to many, Houphouet-Boigny died a year ago, but his spirit lives in this bush capital that he built to honor himself.

10.   That same spirit is living today as the crew of the USS Cole pulls together in a determined struggle to keep the determined warrior afloat.

n. + live >>共 1438
people 10.26%
family 9.43%
child 3.22%
couple 2.35%
most 2.24%
man 2.13%
woman 1.76%
parent 1.60%
mother 1.46%
patient 1.12%
spirit 0.14%
spirit + v. >>共 278
be 35.78%
move 2.19%
seem 2.00%
come 1.91%
soar 1.62%
rise 1.62%
prevail 1.53%
remain 1.34%
help 1.15%
live_on 1.15%
live 1.05%
每页显示:    共 11