1.   As the terminal spikes fade, I remove the spent blossoms, and more fragrant flowers are produced in return.

2.   Bloom period always starts by early July in my central New Jersey garden and, with a judicious snipping of spent blossoms, goes into late August.

3.   -- Continue to deadhead spent blossoms and prune dead foliage, except on large woody plants such as lantana.

4.   Cut off spent blossoms.

5.   In between, I deadhead, or snap off, spent blossoms and remove withered leaves.

6.   Keep weeding and deadheading spent blossoms.

7.   Remove spent blossoms and any leggy stems to encourage more flowers.

8.   Snap off spent blossoms with clippers or finger and thumb.

a. + blossom >>共 167
cherry 17.45%
orange 6.60%
white 5.90%
yellow 3.54%
pink 3.07%
full 2.36%
fragrant 2.12%
purple 2.12%
spent 1.89%
fresh 1.65%
spent + n. >>共 154
fuel 34.46%
cartridge 5.58%
shell 5.06%
force 4.21%
hour 4.21%
time 4.11%
month 3.79%
bullet 3.37%
week 2.95%
day 2.11%
blossom 0.84%
每页显示:    共 8