1.   Profit fell, however, because of higher spending to build personal communication services wireless networks.

2.   Supports increased federal spending to build new prisons.

3.   That feeling is fueled by cash raised in initial public offerings and from venture capitalists, who encourage ad spending to build businesses and market valuations by building brands.

4.   That strategy calls for hefty early spending to build a mailing list.

5.   The improvement is tempered by continued price competition in western Europe and the spending to build plants in China, Poland, Thailand, Brazil and Argentina.

v. + build >>共 211
use 30.35%
work 11.90%
be 2.81%
cost 2.41%
rush 2.27%
spend 2.01%
compete 1.87%
do 1.87%
say 1.74%
negotiate 1.60%
spending 0.67%
spending + v. >>共 102
help 6.63%
stimulate 5.10%
meet 4.08%
keep 3.57%
combat 3.06%
boost 2.55%
build 2.55%
make 2.55%
ensure 2.04%
balance 2.04%
每页显示:    共 5