1.   Although Bush has described himself as a fiscal conservative, he has proposed spending billions of dollars in federal money for education since the campaign began.

2.   Big markets also may exist in developed countries, where cellular phone companies want to expand their coverage territory without spending billions of dollars on new base stations.

3.   About a quarter of the country is already unable to meet current federal ozone standards despite spending billions of dollars a year on air pollution controls.

4.   After the networks unveil their fall schedules in May, advertisers commit to spending billions of dollars.

5.   Businesses are spending billions of dollars trying to figure out how to collect timely, reliable information from strangers over the Internet.

6.   But improving efficiency and spending billions on stock buybacks do little to convince Wall Street that IBM has a sustainable strategy for exploiting its technological prowess and marketing power.

7.   But many critics decry spending billions of dollars more on emissions controls for marginal public health benefits.

8.   Companies worldwide are spending billions trying to fix the problem, and glitches are still expected.

9.   Despite spending billions of dollars a year in research and development, pharmaceutical companies have relatively little to show for their efforts except for improvements to existing products.

10.   Even spending billions for the new technology would not guarantee safety, some experts warned.

a. + billion >>共 91
spending 12.90%
additional 6.99%
untold 6.99%
extra 5.38%
investing 3.23%
pumping 2.69%
stealing 2.69%
borrowing 2.15%
frozen 1.61%
cool 1.61%
spending + n. >>共 412
bill 20.19%
cut 13.95%
limit 6.31%
plan 5.37%
measure 3.25%
time 2.86%
spree 2.86%
program 2.65%
increase 2.65%
level 1.87%
billion 0.41%
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