1.   Days were spent doing a massive software rewrite.

2.   Enter the amount of time that you spend doing any of the activities and find out how many calories you have burned.

3.   Five of those years were spent doing hard labor in a communist re-education camp.

4.   Her pre-tour days are spent doing TV, radio and print interviews, along with photo sessions.

5.   In your own job, think about how much time you spend doing whatever it is that you do best.

6.   Instead, make a purchase based on how much time you want to spend doing the taxes.

7.   Much of her summer will be spent doing volunteer work at a neighborhood nursing home.

8.   Off-hours were often spent doing research at coffee plantations and coffee-roasting plants.

9.   Presumably, the time is spent doing work.

10.   So they have to start spending to do that.

v. + do >>共 457
be 7.23%
work 5.74%
have 5.07%
explain 5.00%
will 4.05%
use 2.97%
want 2.91%
better 2.16%
do 1.49%
die 1.42%
spend 1.22%
spend + v. >>共 581
try 3.32%
help 2.04%
work 1.98%
treat 1.92%
play 1.47%
develop 1.41%
buy 1.34%
fight 1.28%
talk 1.15%
do 1.15%
每页显示:    共 18