1.   After all the hours spent creating the pieces, come the end of the show, they will, like hundreds before them, simply be painted over.

2.   Fox officials are mum about how much they spent to create the game but said they are proud of the way it looks and plays.

3.   Looking again at how much was spent to create those jobs, Massachusetts belies its reputation of Yankee thrift.

4.   Millions of dollars are spent worldwide creating maps of roads, pipelines, waterways, railroads, streets, political boundaries and other man-made features.

5.   Much of that time was spent creating the details and nuances that convey what the character is thinking.

6.   Much of the last week was spent creating a tax structure that would cut the tax liabilities for both Reed Elsevier and Disney.

7.   So your short position could cost you most than you initially spent to create it.

8.   U.S. money will be spent creating jobs for many of those soldiers who are retired.

9.   White said spending to create jobs is one of the most important things he can do.

10.   Medical treatment would also be available to all citizens, and more would be spent to create more apprenticeships and training schemes.

v. + create >>共 293
use 22.77%
work 8.92%
combine 7.44%
fight 3.32%
do 3.09%
merge 2.29%
be 1.83%
spend 1.14%
say 1.03%
remove 0.92%
spend + v. >>共 581
try 3.32%
help 2.04%
work 1.98%
treat 1.92%
play 1.47%
develop 1.41%
buy 1.34%
fight 1.28%
talk 1.15%
do 1.15%
create 0.64%
每页显示:    共 10