1.   And the time it takes to learn and practice choreography is long and costly, involving as it does for most choreographers the years spent being a dancer first.

2.   After all, he spent years being bigger, stronger and wiser than you, and it may be hard for him to recognize that you have grown up.

3.   But just how the money is being spent shows how the special interests can fine-tune their political clout.

4.   But the Gates foundation, nonprofit experts say, will be extraordinary not only for its narrow focus but also for the amount to be spent.

5.   Her whole life was spent being a journalist, up until the last minute.

6.   Locals love trotting out the line Mark Twain supposedly said about the coldest winter he ever spent being a summer in San Francisco.

7.   Looking back, there was really such a small amount of time that we spent being sexually active.

8.   NASA has conducted studies to see how much people are willing to spend to be space travelers.

9.   Story will include a bulleted list of the biggest longstanding problems with waste and duplication of spending that are not being discussed in the current round of budget talks.

10.   The inventory factor and the drop in government spending were enough by themselves to account for the slowing of economic growth since the summer quarter, Moulton said.

v. + be >>共 1325
say 9.58%
figure 6.26%
be 3.78%
use 3.36%
remain 2.65%
present 2.56%
think 1.76%
estimate 1.43%
allege 1.39%
do 1.19%
spend 0.23%
spend + v. >>共 581
try 3.32%
help 2.04%
work 1.98%
treat 1.92%
play 1.47%
develop 1.41%
buy 1.34%
fight 1.28%
talk 1.15%
do 1.15%
be 1.09%
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