1.   Attitudes and speech patterns remain in place long after they no longer reflect reality.

2.   I freed myself from the antiquated strait jacket of his verbose speech patterns.

3.   We are trying to break the speech patterns of these children, trying to get them to speak properly.

4.   Although Shaara tones down the flowery speech patterns of the time, he captures the personalities of the players and brings the conflict to personal terms.

5.   And he seems preoccupied, slipping into strange speech patterns, rubbing his face, gazing up at the ceiling.

6.   As long as unthinking blacks refer to themselves in this fashion, they cannot in all truthfulness blame other races for emulating their speech pattern.

7.   A linguist analyzes speech patterns, showing that verbally assertive women do not reap the same rewards as verbally assertive men.

8.   A new study claims that parents, no matter what language they speak, use a high-pitched, drawn-out speech pattern that exaggerates the vowel sounds.

9.   According to La Salle, his instructors did not think he would be able to suppress his inner-city speech patterns.

10.   But many critics interpreted the resolution as meaning students would be taught in the dialect or would learn the speech pattern in class.

n. + pattern >>共 770
weather 18.54%
traffic 2.78%
speech 1.96%
sleep 1.78%
pass 1.52%
wind 1.48%
flight 1.48%
post 1.48%
consumption 1.48%
migration 1.33%
speech + n. >>共 227
recognition 10.39%
writer 7.19%
pattern 6.05%
system 4.00%
impediment 4.00%
broadcast 3.88%
technology 3.54%
code 2.85%
problem 2.74%
software 2.17%
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