1.   Does she perform several different speech acts with the word, questioning, commanding, wishing, stating?

2.   That children early in language acquisition produce isolated acts of reference, seems to support the view of reference as a speech act that is prototypically demonstrative.

3.   Summonses are naturally utterance-initial, indeed conversation-initial, and can be thought of as independent speech acts in their own right.

4.   Social deixis concerns that aspect of sentences which reflect or establish or are determined by certain realities of the social situation in which the speech act occurs.

5.   Fillmore, unfortunately, then proceeds to water down the concept of social deixis by including, for example, much of the theory of speech acts.

6.   By making their status as speech acts clear, these statements are both more direct and more impolite.

7.   The utterance also communicates information about terminology -- that the term speech act is equivalent to the term illocutionary force in this context.

8.   Petrey puts particular emphasis on the necessity of collective acceptance for the successful performance of speech acts.

n. + act >>共 608
sex 10.08%
bond 3.23%
high-wire 2.88%
rock 2.13%
circus 1.96%
comedy 1.84%
disability 1.73%
warm-up 1.73%
novelty 1.61%
lounge 1.21%
speech 0.52%
speech + n. >>共 227
recognition 10.39%
writer 7.19%
pattern 6.05%
system 4.00%
impediment 4.00%
broadcast 3.88%
technology 3.54%
code 2.85%
problem 2.74%
software 2.17%
act 1.03%
每页显示:    共 9