1.   Greece lacks a public land registry and speculators hope to be able to claim ownership of former forest land for development.

2.   Speculators are hoping for similar markups on the Asian characters.

3.   Speculators hoped to cash in on the scenic location, and many built homes to rent to foreigners flocking to work in the capital.

4.   The higher premiums indicate speculators were hoping that the Hong Kong dollars could be repurchased at a lower level in the future in order to cover the short position.

n. + hope >>共 613
official 10.90%
company 8.02%
government 5.83%
leader 2.59%
administration 1.91%
organizer 1.91%
group 1.82%
investor 1.77%
scientist 1.66%
researcher 1.63%
speculator 0.03%
speculator + v. >>共 168
be 9.25%
sell 4.38%
buy 4.14%
seek 3.89%
take 3.65%
bet 3.41%
make 2.43%
use 2.43%
continue 2.19%
begin 1.95%
hope 0.97%
每页显示:    共 4