1.   He specified the details of that case precisely.

2.   ROOT-PACKAGE-DETAILS - is an input parameter specifying the details of the root package and any sub-packages which are to be generated.

3.   ROOT--PACKAGE--DETAILS -- is an input parameter specifying the details of the root package and any sub-packages which are to be generated.

4.   When the details have been correctly specified, press the RETURN key to enter the information into LIFESPAN.

5.   However, Sutcliffe does not specify the details of language choice within the home, saying only that complicated factors are involved.

6.   British Gas declined to specify the details of its claim, except to say that it believes it overpaid taxes on gas purchases from some North Sea fields.

7.   Brokers must deliver confirmations to clients specifying the details of a stock or bond trade after the transaction takes place.

v. + detail >>共 314
give 34.17%
provide 15.17%
release 5.68%
discuss 4.98%
disclose 4.04%
have 3.31%
offer 3.07%
reveal 2.66%
announce 1.82%
work_out 1.77%
specify 0.18%
specify + n. >>共 430
number 7.72%
amount 7.67%
date 7.37%
nature 2.78%
charge 2.73%
type 2.37%
reason 1.97%
one 1.97%
detail 1.72%
nationality 1.62%
每页显示:    共 34