1.   But they have done so both by increasing their disclosure and by creating an enormous number of new, specialized funds, investing in specific niches.

2.   Carter focused on specific niches where State Street could dominate, and relied more on internal growth than major acquisitions.

3.   Color vision is a complicated evolutionary development, and it evolved in a specific ecological niche for a specific purpose.

4.   Different firms have developed, and will continue to exploit, specific niches.

5.   It provides information in a specific niche.

6.   Lucent also became vulnerable to fierce competition in the communications equipment business from large companies like Nortel Networks and smaller companies focusing on specific niches.

7.   Many patents are for small gadgets or tools that fill specific niches in industry.

8.   Some say they will focus on specific niches, like agriculture for St. Louis, marine biotechnology for Hawaii and genetically modified tobacco for Kentucky.

9.   Still, the company is the largest single employer and the prime source of jobs for a specific niche of blue-collar worker.

10.   It specializes in drugs in specific niche areas, hoping to dominate these markets.

a. + niche >>共 283
new 7.26%
lucrative 3.63%
special 3.18%
small 2.87%
comfortable 2.87%
profitable 2.42%
ecological 2.27%
narrow 1.97%
specific 1.66%
particular 1.66%
specific + n. >>共 995
plan 1.90%
date 1.79%
area 1.55%
figure 1.54%
target 1.45%
proposal 1.44%
issue 1.41%
case 1.34%
number 1.33%
detail 1.26%
niche 0.08%
每页显示:    共 11