1.   To this end, it has encouraged the appointment of specific individuals, called energy managers with responsibility for regulating the consumption of energy.

2.   The relevant steward will nominate specific individuals to approve the general technical, safety and environmental aspects of each dossier.

3.   And a president faces a wider array of potential attackers because suspects target a president because of his office, rather than a specific individual.

4.   As knowledge based on genomics research expands, judgments about specific individuals and groups of people will become increasingly specific.

5.   At a higher level, the tracing of orders from specific individuals has often proved arduous.

6.   But law-enforcement officials cannot investigate groups unless they make threats against specific individuals or organizations or can be documented to have harassed individuals.

7.   But the case is far more ambiguous when historic inquiry shifts from the practice to specific individuals.

8.   But the presumption of corruption in general, which is a reasonable belief, is far different from proving actual criminal conduct by specific individuals.

9.   But the investigator said the police had not corroborated this account, and had not narrowed their search to a specific individual.

10.   Club dues do not, nor do gifts that you make directly to specific needy individuals.

a. + individual >>共 734
wealthy 10.90%
private 9.25%
single 2.67%
specific 1.87%
particular 1.60%
healthy 1.56%
infected 1.51%
different 1.42%
same 1.29%
foreign 1.20%
specific + n. >>共 995
plan 1.90%
date 1.79%
area 1.55%
figure 1.54%
target 1.45%
proposal 1.44%
issue 1.41%
case 1.34%
number 1.33%
detail 1.26%
individual 0.29%
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