1.   A mental health specialist argued quite convincingly for insurance parity, that diseases of the mind be treated by insurers as diseases of the body are.

2.   Academic specialists argue there is a bit of millennial angst in most of us.

3.   But many specialists argue that the issue is more complex.

4.   But security specialists also argue that the public will soon lose confidence in a screening system that is largely or completely random or applied insensitively.

5.   But other specialists argue that Russian stocks are undervalued and that Russians do not have a lot of investment alternatives.

6.   In turn, Israeli specialists argue that there is no comparison.

7.   Putting juveniles into adult systems is often a political response to sensational murder cases, specialists argue.

8.   Some specialists argue that over the years male Civil War historians have simply denied women entrance to the ranks.

9.   Some specialists on Africa argue that the same misguided complacency is now recurring.

10.   Some specialists also argue that it sends a message to Third World powers that nuclear weapons are militarily useful.

n. + argue >>共 987
official 5.99%
lawyer 5.77%
critic 4.61%
opponent 3.44%
government 3.36%
prosecutor 3.23%
company 2.91%
defense 2.20%
group 2.11%
supporter 2.03%
specialist 0.19%
specialist + v. >>共 374
say 29.93%
be 8.74%
agree 1.86%
believe 1.86%
have 1.51%
examine 1.10%
see 1.05%
warn 1.00%
recommend 0.95%
tell 0.95%
argue 0.85%
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