1.   The problem is not just one of specialist areas defending their territorial interests.

2.   The fact that many non specialist teachers will have experience of a change to enquiry methods in their own specialist subject area is acknowledged as being of considerable value.

3.   Future tapes will provide information on wine and then meat and it is intended that ultimately all specialist areas will be covered..

4.   Such earnings are little appreciated outside the specialist areas of business such as finance and insurance which directly contribute to invisible earnings.

5.   Last summer we held a successful day for teachers working in specialist areas and this year we plan a weekend of dance with a guest teacher from Germany.

6.   A good commercial insurance business and a strong presence in a couple specialist areas aided the company, analysts said.

7.   Organisations can tune in to their specialist subject areas and can listento or participate with like-minded people.

8.   Other proposals in the White Paper include granting some police powers to civilian investigators in specialist areas, such as financial and computer crime.

9.   The main purpose of the programme is to provide a stimulating environment within which students discover and develop creative potential towards an appropriate specialist area of study.

n. + area >>共 873
border 6.89%
self-rule 3.20%
ski 2.93%
wilderness 1.66%
storage 1.64%
problem 1.57%
service 1.37%
tourist 1.33%
growth 1.33%
resort 1.17%
specialist 0.09%
specialist + n. >>共 279
batsman 3.27%
unit 3.27%
firm 3.14%
team 2.88%
knowledge 2.61%
say 2.35%
spinner 2.22%
journal 1.96%
service 1.83%
company 1.70%
area 1.31%
每页显示:    共 10