1.   The new security officers will have received specialised professional training and will have National Vocational Qualifications.

2.   A pilot project in geriatric care has been started at the Seremban Hospital and the Ministry is sending personnel overseas for specialised training.

3.   Academicians should use their specialised training and experience to give direction to society.

4.   Generally, MBA programmes are designed to give a broad based education in Business Administration, with specialised training in fields like Finance, Marketing or Human Resource.

5.   The exhibition will also continue with its tradition of presenting an array of opportunities in higher education, specialised training and career opportunities.

6.   The final two years of the course focus on specialised training in paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology, and psychiatry.

7.   Chawinga further alleged that other former officers had been sent to Iraq for highly specialised training in assassination and destabilisation tactics.

8.   Despite the difficulties of climate and his lack of specialised training to fight the progress of the desert, Abdallah was undeterred.

9.   Two of them were nominated for specialised training in ambush or assassination, sniper skills and bomb construction.

10.   Rhodes says that if he proves to be a serious contender for the hockey team it will require several months of specialised training.

a. + training >>共 802
military 10.29%
special 3.38%
formal 3.26%
vocational 2.90%
medical 2.42%
on-the-job 2.34%
pilot 2.13%
better 2.11%
additional 1.87%
professional 1.59%
specialised 0.22%
specialised + n. >>共 141
equipment 4.40%
training 4.40%
company 3.20%
course 2.80%
service 2.80%
area 2.40%
field 2.00%
institution 2.00%
treatment 2.00%
group 1.60%
每页显示:    共 11