1.   The Board also offers short specialised courses.

2.   Candidates choosing Religions and Ideologies follow two specialised courses.

3.   More specialised courses may be studied at honours level.

4.   A specialised course in Immunology in the third year builds on earlier courses in cell and molecular biology, and leads to an honours specialisation in the fourth year.

5.   Meanwhile, the third laboratory will be used for multimedia activities such as conducting specialised courses in multimedia.

6.   This was followed by a specialised course in software methodologies for employees of Sapura Research.

7.   The Ecole Superieure des Affaires is aimed at providing post-graduate training to university students and specialised courses to company and bank managers from Lebanon and other Arab countries.

a. + course >>共 1351
main 5.38%
training 5.20%
new 2.86%
first 2.09%
best 2.00%
short 1.89%
different 1.57%
same 1.36%
future 1.26%
online 1.25%
specialised 0.10%
specialised + n. >>共 141
equipment 4.40%
training 4.40%
company 3.20%
course 2.80%
service 2.80%
area 2.40%
field 2.00%
institution 2.00%
treatment 2.00%
group 1.60%
每页显示:    共 7