1.   Special thanks are due to John Bryden for his advice.

2.   Special thanks to Sheri Torrance and my co-chair, Deb Scott, for their keen attention to detail.

3.   Special thanks to David Atkinson for supplying presentation materials and to John Richard for the photographs.

4.   Special thanks from Link to office services manager, for her considerable help with this Focus.

5.   Special thanks were due to Chris Markham who had had overall responsibility for organising the day and her band of very efficient and hard-working helpers.

6.   At the Chamber of Commerce announcement, special thanks were extended to the publisher of the newspaper who had known all about it but kept it quiet.

7.   A special thanks to Butch Matte - E.T. Taxi - who came to rescue.

8.   SIMPSON EXTRA Special thanks from many subscribers to the Los Angeles Daily News for moving spot copy on the verdict in the O.J. Simpson trial.

9.   Special thanks to Dave Hodare, the Rodigers, and Matt Abbey with his boat, The Minnow.

10.   Special thanks are extended to Merrill Brockway and Emile Ardolino, the producers most responsible for shaping and nurturing the series.

a. + thanks >>共 80
special 8.82%
grateful 5.15%
heartfelt 5.15%
little 4.41%
personal 4.41%
sincere 3.68%
great 2.21%
mutual 2.21%
silent 2.21%
fine 1.47%
special + n. >>共 1057
team 4.49%
envoy 4.24%
prosecutor 1.73%
committee 1.49%
treatment 1.43%
meeting 1.43%
police 1.21%
attention 1.17%
commission 1.12%
event 1.12%
thanks 0.03%
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