1.   The speakers will include several experts on the subject.

2.   Speakers will include The Duke of Westminster, Shadow frontbench spokesman Alun Michael and Julia Cleverdon, chief executive of Business in the Community.

3.   Speakers will include council leader Mike Carr, who is also chairman of the City Challenge Board, and chamber president John Kirton.

4.   Speakers include TUC equal rights officer Claude Moraes and a representative from the Commission for Racial Equality.

5.   Guest speakers included Sue Rorstad, managing director of Darlington-based Poppies and Fred Crow chief executive of the TEC.

6.   Speakers included environmental health officers, dog wardens, veterinary representatives and medical spokesmen.

7.   Speakers include Eddie Idle of English Nature and Giles Sturdy of the National Farmers Union.

8.   Speakers include Campbell Christie, general secretary of the Scottish Trades Union Congress, and trades unionists from England.

9.   Speakers will include Lisa Davies of the Association Internationale de Tourisme and representatives of the different modes of transport.

10.   Along with Gates, speakers at DirectConnect include host and Dell CEO Michael Dell and Cisco Systems Inc. Chief Executive John Chambers.

n. + include >>共 1161
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speaker + v. >>共 557
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