1.   And the speaker criticized the administration for trying to broker an agreement concerning the West Bank.

2.   Activists repeatedly interrupted the proceedings with applause and cheering, especially when speakers criticized the two major parties.

3.   From the podium at the convention, several speakers criticized Congress for indecisiveness on whether to call impeachment hearings.

4.   In fact, my translator said, the speaker was criticizing the gap between the pay of Austrian bank presidents and working stiffs.

5.   Several speakers criticized the proposal as inadequate.

6.   Other speakers criticized the United States, ethnic Albanians and Muslims.

7.   During the two-day debate, speakers from developing countries criticized the current council makeup as unrepresentative of the Third World-dominated United Nations membership.

8.   Many nations said the peace process was in peril, and most speakers sharply criticized the rightwing government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for policies which angered the Palestinians.

9.   On Monday, speakers from developing countries criticized the current makeup as unrepresentative.

10.   Parliament speaker criticizes corruption.

n. + criticize >>共 562
group 11.22%
official 6.60%
leader 4.04%
report 3.93%
newspaper 2.17%
lawmaker 2.04%
analyst 2.04%
environmentalist 1.98%
organization 1.73%
government 1.68%
speaker 0.58%
speaker + v. >>共 557
include 18.02%
be 14.18%
say 6.62%
have 2.68%
call 1.77%
make 1.45%
take 1.16%
urge 1.01%
warn 0.98%
come 0.83%
criticize 0.76%
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