1.   In everyday conversation, speakers usually ask questions in order to extend their knowledge.

2.   Male speaker People kept asking if they could see upstairs.

3.   Motivational speakers have asked her to address groups on the subject of selling yourself.

4.   Well, might a non-English speaker ask why that is.

5.   Other speakers asked the commissioners how they could purport to represent the public interest while at the same time raising electricity rates for the second time since January.

6.   The speaker asked the president to give a little in the talks.

7.   The speaker has asked one member, another former prosecutor, to review past investigations, including Watergate.

8.   The speaker asked Nyongo to rise for all to see.

9.   To her surprise, the keynote speaker asked her to stand.

10.   While many commencement speakers ask the graduates to look ahead, West had them looking ahead to retirement.

n. + ask >>共 890
government 4.03%
reporter 3.64%
official 3.55%
people 2.89%
prosecutor 2.65%
company 1.99%
police 1.79%
lawyer 1.58%
group 1.55%
authority 1.36%
speaker 0.09%
speaker + v. >>共 557
include 18.02%
be 14.18%
say 6.62%
have 2.68%
call 1.77%
make 1.45%
take 1.16%
urge 1.01%
warn 0.98%
come 0.83%
ask 0.54%
每页显示:    共 15